Birches Blog w/e 26/06/2020

Dear parents, I hope you and your children have coped with the exceptionally hot weather this week and been able to enjoy some time in the sun. In school the children have enjoyed being able to spend more time outdoors – particularly during the mornings before...

Birches Blog w/e 19/06/2020

Dear parents,It’s certainly been a wet week! I am glad to see that the forecast is improving and we can look forward to some sunshine and warmer weather this week. Staff will be looking forward to getting outside with the children again as much as possible. For those...

Calling all R-Y4!

At Birches, we are very proud to have the Gold School Games Mark. This is awarded through South Staffordshire School Games. We often take part in challenges/ competitions throughout the year and due to the current situation, they have now become virtual! Stay home,...

Birches Blog w/e 12.06.20

This week saw us welcoming more children back to Birches. All the planning and preparation certainly paid off as the new systems worked brilliantly! The children settled straight back into school and amazed us with how well they adapted to the new rules and routines....

Birches Stay at Home Sports Day!

Our annual sports day was due to take place today but unfortunately we can not all be together. However! Do not fear! We invite you to take place in our ‘Birches Stay at Home Sports Day’. Why not bring Sports Day into your household and compete against...