Pupil Premium funding is allocated to schools to support children and remove barriers to educational achievement.
Schools receive funding for;
– each child registered as eligible for free school meals at any point in the last 6 years.
– each pupil who is in local-authority care or has left local-authority care because of 1 of the following:
• adoption
• a special guardianship order
• a child arrangements order
• a residence order
– children with a parent who has served in the armed forces at any point in the last 4 years.
Schools are free to spend their Pupil Premium allocation as they see fit. However, they will be held to account for how the funding has been used to support pupils. Schools are required to publish online information about how this funding is used.
We ensure that pupils receive maximum benefit from this funding by …
- Regular monitoring of eligible pupils to ensure they are making good progress and receiving high-quality, targeted interventions if needed.
- Interviewing pupils to get their views on their educational experience.
- Producing a detailed report for the LAB committee on Pupil Premium expenditure and its impact for our pupils.
- Regularly adjusting provision to ensure effectiveness and value-for-money.
If you feel that your child is eligible for, but not currently receiving Pupil Premium funding, please inform the school or see further information below.
Is my child eligible for free school meals? Please click here.
Please note, your child does not need to have Free School Meals, but they must be registered in order to access the funding.
For further information about how to apply please click here.
Access the application form here.
All children Reception and Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) are eligible for Universal Free School Meals, regardless of income. However, children in these year groups may still be eligible for free school meals under Pupil Premium criteria. They must be registered to ensure the school receives the additional funding they are entitled to.
Please click here to read our Pupil Premium Strategy 2023 – 2024