Dear parents and children,
it seems very strange to think that under normal circumstances, this week we would have been holding our Easter celebrations in school and today we would have broken up for the Easter holidays. I don’t think any of us could ever have imagined how very differently this term would end.
I would like to say, once again, a huge thank you to all the Key Workers in our community who are doing their bit to help fight this virus. Nobody would deny that our front line Key Workers – those in the NHS who are saving the lives of others at great risk to themselves, day in and day out, deserve our deepest admiration and gratitude. I would also like to highlight and thank all the other Key Workers who continue to work and fulfil the many other important roles in our communities. As a school team we have received a great many emails and messages of thanks and gratitude over recent weeks. Thank you for these kind words and thoughts – the support has been much appreciated. Our amazing school staff, not just the teachers and TAs but also the club, admin, lunch, catering and site/cleaning teams have all worked tirelessly over the last few weeks – not because they are seeking thanks or to be a ‘hero’, but because they truly care about every single one of the children in our school. They all put their heart and soul into giving them their very best. It is because of this care and devotion to the children in our community that to me, they really are heroes. Thank you team!
As we come to the end of week two since closing to the majority, we really are missing each and every one of the children! It is lovely to hear your news and to see photos of what the children have been getting up to at home – please keep them coming in! School has been thoroughly decorated with rainbows (as has the school website!), finished off today with our rainbow banner which is proudly hanging by the front gate! Next week we make the move up to Codsall Middle School where staff will be providing childcare throughout the holiday to Key Worker children. A huge thank you to staff who didn’t hesitate to offer their time and support during their holiday to keep our provision open, enabling our Key Worker parents to continue to work.
Over the last two weeks, teachers have been busily planning a fantastic range of daily home learning tasks to support your children from afar. I have been so proud of the support these tasks have given the children and we have received a great deal of positive feedback from parents. As the Easter holidays are now here, there will be no more tasks set for the next two weeks. A homework style holiday grid has been uploaded to the website for those who wish to complete it. Following the Easter holidays (at the start of what would be the Summer term) should the school closures continue, daily tasks will commence once again.
Whilst we may be tempted to think about the things we are missing or the special events that have been cancelled, it is important to hold onto the fact that by staying home and following the guidance we are helping to save lives. We must tell ourselves – we are not stuck at home, we are safe at home. Remember, the better we all follow the rules of lockdown, the sooner this may end. We must have hope.and hold onto the thoughts of how special it will be to once again start enjoying the simple things in life that we have all, until recently, probably taken for granted.
Wishing you all a lovely weekend – with the promise of some sunshine to enjoy from our gardens if we can!
Take care and stay safe,
Best wishes,
Mrs Ferretti