

General Statement


Good behaviour and self-discipline are at the heart of a successful school.  At Birches we aim to promote these qualities through a fair and consistent approach, which is clearly communicated to all the children.  We aim to promote self-discipline by raising children’s awareness of their own behaviour and the affect it may have on others.  We endeavour to create a friendly but well-ordered and busy school where unacceptable behaviour is rare.




  1. To value and appreciate one another irrespective of age, gender, creed or race and to acknowledge that everyone has a part to play within our school community.
  2. To develop self-discipline, the ability to learn independently and work co-operatively.
  3. To listen with respect to one another and be conscious never to damage another’s self esteem.
  4. To foster a caring attitude for the school environment, including the building, inside and outside areas, equipment and personal effects.


Pastoral Care and Discipline


The pastoral care of all pupils is shared by all teaching and non-teaching staff who work together in the everyday life of the school.


The class teacher accepts responsibility for the educational and pastoral progress of their children during the day.


Safety and the need to maintain a calm and peaceful working atmosphere are paramount.


A positive approach to good behaviour should recognise, reward and encourage it.


NB – In accordance with the Education Act 1986, corporal punishment will not be administered in county and voluntary controlled schools maintained by Staffordshire County Council Education Committee.


Golden Expectations


The children are made aware of our ‘Golden Expectations’:-


  • We care for everyone and everything
  • We are polite
  • We tell the truth
  • We listen
  • We walk in school
  • We work together
  • We always try to be the best ‘me’ I can be!


These expectations are displayed in all classrooms with the children’s names.  They also form the pupil’s part of our Home / School Agreement.


The Golden Expectations are reinforced by all staff, as the basis for maintaining the school ethos and environment.


Parents – Home / School Agreement


Through close, regular contact with parents we build relationships based on trust, so that parents have confidence in the way we deal with behaviour issues.  Parents can support the policy by:


  • Reinforcing messages about appropriate behaviour
  • Discussing the Expectations with their child
  • Showing respect for staff and adults involved with the school
  • Making time to discuss worries or concerns
  • Listening to “both sides of a story” in the event of a problem
  • Supporting behaviour strategies initiated by the school


Birches Home – School – Child Agreement identifies the key responsibilities of the school, the family and the child.  This agreement supports the expectation of good behaviour by including the Golden Expectations and emphasising the need to work together.


Good to be Green


Good to be Green is a behaviour strategy used by Y1-4. 


Children whose behaviour is very good should be rewarded by moving onto the next reward card colour – from green to bronze to silver and then gold. When they achieve their Gold card they receive a gold sticker on their bookmark chart. The child’s card then returns to green on the following day.  The chart must be ‘reset’ every morning with all children on at least green (those on bronze or silver will remain there until they achieve gold).    


Children are awarded gold star stickers when they receive a gold card. Stickers are collected on a bookmark. Once full, they are awarded with;


  • First completed bookmark; a Good to be Green certificate;
  • Second completed bookmark; a Good to be Green pencil.
  • Third completed bookmark; a Good to be Green badge.
  • Fourth completed bookmark; a Good to be Green special award medal
  • Fifth completed bookmark; a gold badge


If poor behaviour is displayed, a child will be issued with;


1. A verbal warning reminding the child of expectations followed by (if behaviour continues).


2. A ‘warning card’ if the poor behaviour choices continue. If issued with a ‘warning card’, the child will place a yellow card over their coloured card. During the day, if behaviour improves, they will be praised and they can remove the yellow card. If behaviour does not improve, this may mean staying on yellow or being moved onto a red card. Children may receive a yellow card for:


  • Not following school rules.
  • Distracting others.
  • Not listening or not putting effort into your learning.
  • Not following instructions.
  • Talking while someone else is speaking.
  • Being rude, disrespectful or unkind to others.


3. More significant negative behaviour may result in a red card being issued. Red cards will result in a sanction and parents will be notified. As with a yellow card, children can work off a red card with improved behaviour. Staff will keep a record of red cards issued on CPOMS.


Encouraging Good Behaviour – Rewards


The most important reward for a child is praise.  To become an active, motivated learner children need to know that their efforts and achievements are recognised and valued.  Rewards used should be:


  • immediate
  • small but attainable
  • cumulative
  • co-operative
  • pleasing


Rewards used can include:


  • complimentary remarks
  • private praise and encouragement
  • written comments on work
  • stickers on work
  • stickers to wear
  • lunchtime stickers
  • Headteacher awards
  • house points
  • classroom reward chart- Teacher’s own system
  • special activities
  • weekly merit certificates
  • weekly ‘Gold Star’ for 1 child in each class
  • weekly ‘Class of the Week’
  • Monthly ‘Superstar of the School’
  • ‘Star Writer/Mathlete’ Every other week
  • termly Special Achievement Awards – 4 per class awarded for:


  • Following the Golden Expectations
  • Effort and Improvement
  • English
  • Mathematics


When giving rewards to children they should always understand why they have achieved it.


Unacceptable Behaviour – Sanctions


All children know that behaviour which does not abide by the Golden Expectations is unacceptable.  Behaviour that will not be tolerated includes:


  • bullying (See Anti Bully Policy)
  • harassment (racial or other)
  • name calling
  • vandalism
  • rudeness
  • bad language
  • fighting
  • intimidation
  • theft


Poor behaviour is rare at Birches and generally a verbal reminder by the class teacher is enough to have the desired affect.  However, if a child persistently misbehaves or causes a serious problem the following sanctions may be used:


  • asking the SLT to speak with the child
  • asking the Headteacher to speak with the child
  • temporary isolation – time out
  • withdrawal of privileges
  • informing parents immediately if the incident is serious
  • using a behaviour diary / behaviour record – with home support


All behaviour incidents are recorded on CPOMS.


If a child’s behaviour proves to be very problematic the LA Behaviour Support Team can be involved.




The ultimate sanction for unacceptable behaviour, which is of a very serious nature, is exclusion.  In such circumstances the Governing Body would be informed and the LA Procedures for Exclusion from School followed.


Please click here to view our Behaviour Policy 2024

Please click here to view our Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Policy 2024

Please click here to view our Anti-bullying Policy 2024