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Exciting opportunity for Years 3 and 4!!

Do you think you could create a fun and fantastic dance to be used to mark the end of the first ever Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Virtual County Finals on Friday 17th July? If so, this competition is for you.

Create your own dance routine in any dance style. You may want to choreograph a dance on your own or through a virtual platform with a friend/ friends (e.g. video calling or facetime etc.). Make sure you choose music and a routine to uplift, motivate and inspire the audience. You will be scored on the idea, the movements and the performance. For more information on the competition please visit:

All entries should be sent to the County School Games Coordinator, Camilla Denham-White at Entries for the competition must be received by 5pm on Friday 12th June 2020. All entries will receive a Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Virtual School Games County Final certificate!

I would love to see any entries you submit –

Have fun!