Throughout this week across school, the children have been learning about and preparing for our Remembrance Day on Friday. Alongside individual class activities, on Wednesday children in Key Stage One and Two were inspired by a workshop with a visiting WWI soldier. All classes are taking part in a Remembrance themed writing project as well as a whole school craft project. Inspired by the 2014 display of poppies at the Tower of London, staff have been working with the children who have each created a clay poppy. Once painted and varnished, these poppies will be laid in the school grounds in tribute to those who have given their lives for their country. Our World War day on Friday, we hope, will be a fantastic way of marking the anniversary of 100 years since the end of the First World War. Children will work in house groups throughout the day, visiting different activities from a war time tea treat and sing-a-long, to poppy crafts, trench building and aeroplane making and flying. Staff are looking forward to seeing the children dressed in their themed outfits for the day. Thank you to those who have already sent in photos and information for our school display – it has been wonderful to read some of the amazing stories that are part of the history of our school community. On Monday we will be holding a minutes silence as a mark of respect and act of remembrance. We hope that you enjoy hearing about all of our activities this week from the children.