Another busy week at Birches…
Practises are well underway for the Year 3’s performance at Codsall Dance Festival in March – Mrs Ferretti is looking forward to taking a peek at how the children are getting on this week. Year 3 also welcomed a new member of their class into school last Monday. We are delighted she has joined us. We hope she and her family settle in well and quickly feel part of the Birches community. On Monday last week we held an open session after school for prospective Nursery children and their parents to come and have a look at our lovely classroom and meet some of the staff. Thank you to Mrs Mogey, Mrs Stubbs and team who made our visitors feel very welcome. Applications for September 2018 are now open. If you know of anyone who has a child born between 1st September 2014 and 31st August 2015 please direct them to our website where they can find more information.
On Thursday our Year 1 children delighted the rest of the school, their parents and family members with their Traditional Tale themed class assembly. They really did do us proud as they recited their lines and sang beautifully showing what confident learners they have become. Thank you to Miss Law, Miss Rayson and Mrs Wood who worked hard with the children in preparation for this.
A look ahead…this week Year 2 are looking forward to their Kenyan Day on Wednesday where they will be dressing up, trying new foods and enhancing their learning as part of their What a Wonderful World topic. Years 3 and 4 also have a special treat on Wednesday as the Young Shakespeare theatre company will be coming into school to perform A Midsummer Night’s Dream…more on these exciting events next week. Best wishes, Mrs Ferretti.