The children had a super week in school last week- despite the weather taking a definite turn – it seems autumn is well and truly here!! Children in Key Stage One and Two all enjoyed their super Sparkle Days, with Years 1 and 2 baking bread and making model houses amongst other things and Years 3 and 4 learning all about life as a Roman Soldier during our visiting workshop. They also had some foods to try in the afternoon…some that they liked more than others!!
Thank you to staff who organised these wonderful days of activity for the children. Nursery and Reception are looking forward to their Sparkle Day on Wednesday linked to their focus story Owl Babies. I’m sure they’ll have lots of fun.
Thank you to all the parents who were able to join us for the Year 1 transition meeting last week. We hope you found it useful.
Last week saw the start of our new Theatre Company club, during which the children will be preparing for a performance of Annie!
Thank you to all the families who made donations in support of our Jeans For Genes Day last week.
This week we have two PFA meetings. On Monday morning, a meeting at 9am in the hall for those parents unable to attend our AGM meeting on Wednesday evening at 6pm. We hope to see many of you there- your support is vital!
We also have our Meet the Teacher/Open Classrooms on Wednesday from 3.30-5.30pm enabling parents to pop in with their children and meet their child’s class teacher and see their class. On Thursday Year 2 will be visiting the fire station and after school we have our first football match of the year at Codsall High School. Good luck Team Birches!!
Finally, we hope many of you will be able to join us on Friday morning in the hall for our MacMillan Coffee Morning. Come and join us for a cup of tea and piece of cake in support of this amazing charity.
Have a good week all! Mrs Ferretti.