Well, our first full week of the new school year has passed. It was a busy week as classes settled back into routines and lessons. Football club started on Tuesday, Keyboard lessons started again on Thursday and Friday mornings as well as our new Tennis club that is running on Thursdays after school. The children also enjoyed a range of activities in class this week to celebrate Roald Dahl day.
This week we look forward to our first ever ‘Sparkle Days’ with Years 1 and 2 kick-starting their topic on Monday with a themed day and Years 3 and 4 eagerly awaiting a visit from a Roman soldier on Friday! The date for the Early Years Sparkle Day will be confirmed soon. This Wednesday brings us the first session of our new Theatre Company club after school. I am looking forward to seeing (and hearing!) the children as they start to learn their new show. On Thursday this week there will be a meeting for parents of Year 1 children at 6pm to explain the transition into Year 1. We hope to see many of you there. We will end the week with Jeans for Genes Day- please do make a donation for children to wear their jeans for the day and raise money for this worthy cause. Have a good week all!