Dear Parents,
to help people navigate our school website and ensure they are able to find the information they need, we have made a few changes to our website menu.
Anything relating to COVID-19, the school closure and reopening can now be found under the drop-down menu tab ‘COVID-19 Information’.
All of our home learning tasks that were set during the school closure period can still be accessed – they can now be found under the ‘School Closure Home Learning’ section within the ‘COVID-19 Information’.
Class pages can now be found under the ‘Our Classes’ tab – there is a section for each class where parents can access information about their child(ren)’s curriculum, homework, letters and class news.
Within our ‘Parents’ section you can find a range of information including term dates, uniform, Birches Club and our school dinner menus.
Our ‘Children’ section contains links to a range of online learning platforms and resources as well as weekly Picture News resources.
Any letters are uploaded to the website and a text link sent to parents. They can be found under ‘Letters’ – ‘Whole School Letters’. Our monthly newsletters can be found under the ‘News and Events’ tab. Again, a link will be sent to parents via text.
We hope these signposts are helpful.
Best wishes.