Dear Parents,
as you will know by now having read the latest Newsletter, after half term we are making some changes to our staggered drop off and collection times.
Now that routines have become established, we feel that there is enough time to safely manage each group through the one-way system and off the school site within 5 minutes. The success of this however, is very much dependent on punctuality and the observation of the procedures in place around the school site. We ask that parents arrive promptly for their time but do not arrive too early. This would lead to gathering of more than one class bubble at a time placing our safety measures at risk. We also ask that parents do not gather on the pavements outside school in between drop off times to ensure those children and parents coming into or leaving the school site (and residents passing by) have adequate space to remain socially distanced. The new staggered start and finished times will be reviewed during the half term. If, at any time we feel safety is compromised then it may be necessary to revert times back to the current arrangements.
We thank all our parents (and extended family members who drop off and collect) for their support and understanding with our procedures and anticipate that with this continued support, our new arrangements will be just as successful. The whole school will be able to begin their day swiftly and end the day at closer times. This will enable us to continue to protect the safety of our school community whilst reducing impact on families and maximising learning time.
Drop off and collection times as of Tuesday 3rd November;
8.30am – Nursery and Reception
8.35am – Year 1
8.40am – Year 2
8.45am – Year 3
8.50am – Year 4
3pm – Nursery and Reception
3.05pm – Year 1
3.10pm – Year 2
3.15pm – Year 3
3.20pm – Year 4
A polite reminder to all parents to ensure that children remain with you at all times when lining up at the gate and walking through the school site.
We also ask that parents are considerate of other parents and children as well as residents when parking on the roads around school. As always, we would encourage parents to ‘park and stride‘ wherever possible – relieving congestion in the roads closest to school as well as giving an opportunity for some light exercise. As we still have staggered start and collection times spanning 20 minutes, the situation should be easily managed as the volume of parents, children and cars will still be less than those we experience in ‘normal’ times when the whole school starts and finishes at the same time. As always, we appreciate the support of all our families in ensuring the safety of the school and wider community when parking.
Many thanks
N.B we return to school after the half term break on Tuesday 3rd November. Monday 2nd November is a Staff Training Day and therefore school is closed to pupils.