We are delighted to have the children back in school and this week have been focusing on supporting the children as they settle back in and re-establishing routines and expectations. In classes we have begun reading with the children individually and next week we will be carrying out further assessments to help us make informed judgements about each child’s reading band following the extended school closure. It may be necessary to change the book band your child is currently ready to ensure it best matches their current level. Children will then be best placed to make progress in their reading throughout the term.
We intend to issue reading books to come home during week commencing Monday 14th September, once our assessments have been completed.
Due to the requirement to place returned books out of circulation for 72 hours and to ensure we have enough books to meet the needs of all children, it has been necessary for us to make changes to the way children change their books in school. Please see below the arrangements for each class for this term.
Reception – in the coming weeks, as children become ready for their first reading book, they will be assigned a reading day. On this day Mrs Stubbs or Mrs Miller will read with them in class and issue a new book (or books).
Year 1 – Books should be changed twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays – please ensure your child’s book has been read and signed and is in school on these days.
Year 2 – Books can be changed on a Monday and/or Thursday and should be changed at least once a week.
Year 3 – Children will be allocated a specific, weekly reading day – Mr Jones will inform parents of their child’s allocated day. Please ensure their book has been read and signed and is in school on this day.
Year 4 – Books can be changed once a week on either Tuesday OR Friday. We encourage children to write a short book review about their book once completed.
Individual children may have slightly different arrangements to the other children in their class. A member of staff will discuss this with parents if this is the case.
A reminder for parents to please sign your child’s reading diary to confirm they have read their book and add any comments about their reading.
These arrangements will be reviewed regularly in line with guidance.
Many thanks